AS Pillow (3rd Generation) Quick Sleep Pillow | Anti-Snoring (Shipout on 28 Feb 2025)
AS Pillow (3rd Generation) Quick Sleep Pillow | Anti-Snoring (Shipout on 28 Feb 2025)
AS Pillow (3rd Generation) Quick Sleep Pillow | Anti-Snoring (Shipout on 28 Feb 2025)
AS Pillow (3rd Generation) Quick Sleep Pillow | Anti-Snoring (Shipout on 28 Feb 2025)
AS Pillow (3rd Generation) Quick Sleep Pillow | Anti-Snoring (Shipout on 28 Feb 2025)
AS Pillow (3rd Generation) Quick Sleep Pillow | Anti-Snoring (Shipout on 28 Feb 2025)
AS Pillow (3rd Generation) Quick Sleep Pillow | Anti-Snoring (Shipout on 28 Feb 2025)
AS Pillow (3rd Generation) Quick Sleep Pillow | Anti-Snoring (Shipout on 28 Feb 2025)

AS Pillow (3rd Generation) Quick Sleep Pillow | Anti-Snoring (Shipout on 28 Feb 2025)

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【Effective Anti-Snoring Tool! Over 80% of Users Rate it Highly for Stopping Snoring and Improving Sleep】

Do you often struggle with snoring while sleeping? Whether it's due to allergies or respiratory issues, it always affects the quality of your sleep and makes it difficult for your bed partner to fall asleep!

In fact, solving the snoring problem is simple. All you need is the "Japanese AS 3rd Generation Quick Sleep Pillow." With the new design of the third generation, the pillow's length and width have been increased, making it effortless for you to turn over; the perfect support for the back of the head, neck, and shoulders, expands the airway, making breathing easier, effectively treating snoring!

【4 Key Innovative Features】

Expanded Airway Shape | The pillow is designed to fully conform to the curve of the neck and back, making it easier for you to breathe

✅ Rolling Assistance Design | Sufficient length and width to help you turn over with a light, rolling motion.

✅ Moisture Absorbent Material | Cotton fabric for sweat protection, combined with soft double-layer gauze.

✅ Antibacterial and Deodorizing Function | Uses charcoal to prevent mold growth and eliminate residual odors.

Order today, and Japanese brand products will be shipped based on the product title date.

♦ Unboxing Video

一款適合仰臥睡覺的新型防打鼾枕頭讓您保持仰臥,輕鬆翻身,支援側睡每次呼吸的通氣量比廠商常規產品增加了1.7倍。使用影片睡眠專家 綾山累計銷售數量您是否因為鼾聲大、被鼾聲吵醒或白天感到困倦而難以入睡?打鼾是因為頸部被堵塞並且氣道變窄而發生。適合長期打呼嚕的人 SU-ZI AS 好眠枕 3使用影片從下方支撐頸部和肩膀,自然鼓勵深呼吸形狀可打開氣道,更容易呼吸它從下方支撐您的頸部,保持頸部正確的曲線...呼吸輕鬆!秘密在於支撐頸部的頸繩形狀和貼合肩膀的肩袋。我反覆試錯很多次,直到滿意為止。實現保持理想頸部角度的形狀!身體壓力分散測量也證明它牢固地支撐著頸部和肩部。附2cm調節墊即使仰睡也能輕鬆呼吸並防止打鼾讓翻身更容易,不會給您帶來不必要的壓力翻身很重要,因為它可以減輕身體的負擔並更換床上用品中的空氣。透過適度翻身改善睡眠品質輕輕用力即可翻身,例如翻身,這樣不會給身體帶來不必要的壓力。使用影片此外,這種形狀可以防止您側睡時耳朵受傷。您可以輕鬆翻身並安睡到早上!為了追求舒適度,採用了對皮膚溫和的棉質套。觸感柔軟,盜汗護理,吸水性蓋子可以拆卸和選擇,因此您可以始終乾淨地使用它。採用天然材料製成,適合任何房間平靜的藍灰色使其成為任何房間的簡單點綴。採用含有木炭的新材料,因此您不必擔心枕頭氣味。

使用有助於深呼吸的枕頭防止打鼾尺寸影像SU-ZI AS好眠枕3


Designed in Japan

*Results may vary from person to person; customers may consider purchasing


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